Global Economy: $175T USD

Hero Background draw

Regulation & Transparency

Building trust in digital assets with regulated blockchain infrastructure & regulated, fully-backed assets.


Real-time Attestation

Compared with other asset-backed tokens, Omada provides attestation reports at shorter intervals —— specifically, on a real-time basis. These reports provide transparency into the state of Omada’sreserves as well as its reserve breakdown. The attestation process is executed by an accounting firm that specialized in the crypto industry.

Regulated, Fully-backed digital assets

Omada's digital assets offer a 1:1 redemption guarantee, secured against bankruptcy risks. These assets are also regulated to ensure compliance and reliability for users.

  • GOLD

    247,918.440 Gold Tokens

    247,918.440 Troy Ounces

  • Silver

    157,918.430 Silver Tokens

    157,918.430 Troy Ounces

  • Platinum

    7,918.430 Platinum Tokens

    7,918.430 Troy Ounces

  • Palladium

    5,918.230 Palladium Tokens

    5,918.230 Troy Ounces
